This conference in Malla marks the first of the professional fertilisation and livestock waste management conferences (PRO-FEM).
Applying livestock waste to seek maximum profitability and efficiency
PRO-FEM 2019 – Fertilisation
MALLA, Wednesday, 3 April 2019
The conferences will be held every two years, with the topic alternating between agricultural issues and waste management in livestock farming. This year starts with the agriculture and fertiliser-related topics: demonstrating tools to improve the efficiency of agricultural applications of livestock waste, to make better use of organic fertilisers.
Use of livestock waste as a fertiliser or corrector is becoming ever more common practice, thanks to both nutritional benefits for crops and cost savings.
In this context, one of most frequently discussed issues is that of increasing the fertiliser dose, with particular regard to nitrogen. Whatever the case, before considering application of more nitrogen, maximum use should be made of nitrogen that is already applied, i.e. it should be used with greater efficiency. Efficiency might consist of measures such as obtaining maximum yield from a minimum amount of fertiliser. In the case of nitrogen, this concept is closely linked to reducing waste, caused mainly by washing away into groundwater or volatilisation into the atmosphere. Such a measure would also benefit the environment.
During the conference, visits will be organised to demonstration plots where different fertiliser applications are used, related to the different seasons. A sample of current key fertilisation and livestock waste projects will also be presented.
This benchmark conference is organised in the context of the plans for improving agricultural fertilisation in Catalonia, with the support of a number of other projects: LIFE AGRICLOSE, LIFE AGROgestor; LIFE+ Futur Agrari, and the demonstration activity ‘Maximising the efficiency of slurry applications in extensive agriculture’, relating to operation 01.02.01 in the Rural Development Plan (PDR) for Catalonia 2014-20.
The conference is free but registration is required via the following link: