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Cloenda projecte Life Agriclose
November 30, 2022 in Vic (Osona)
The LIFE Agriclose project has provided the sector with a range of new possibilities for managing products from the treatment of livestock manure.
The solutions proposed as part of the project are adapted to local circumstances and promote the idea of local fertilisation, offering a better use of nutrients within the framework of the new circular economy.
Work has been carried out directly with the sector to develop joint solutions: active involvement of more than 25 organisations, participation of more than 70 farms, direct action on more than 40 hectares of demonstration sites and use of more than 900 tonnes per year of organic products.
All the solutions are aimed at protecting the quality of the environment and also the food produced.
This combination of activities offers solutions for manure management adapted to local circumstances, promotes the concept of local fertilisation, exploits the products of the treatment processes, not only as a solution to the growth of the livestock sector, but also as a good fertiliser for agriculture and reconnects livestock farming with around agricultural activity.
LIFE AGRICLOSE joins International Compost Week
During the week of 2 to 8 May, various awareness actions about compost and its life cycle are organized
International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is an educational composting initiative held in different countries each year during the first week of May. The aim is to inform and promote the use of compost, explain where it comes from, how it can be used and what its benefits are.
The use of compost has many benefits as it improves the structure and water and nutrients retention capacity of soils, preventing its erosion and degradation, increases its biological activity making a healthier soil and it facilitates the balanced growth of the plants. In addition, it supposes an economic saving since it avoids the use of so many mineral fertilizers.
During this week, from 2 to 8 May, various awareness-raising and information actions on compost will be held worldwide, including workshops and activities related to composting and its benefits, conferences and seminars, visits to composting plants or areas with community composters, activities in schools, among others.
Compost can be made with vegetable waste, sewage sludge, organic fraction residues, but also with manure or solid fractions obtained from the treatment of manure. In this sense, LIFE AGRICLOSE project seeks to find the best composting process for the solid fraction of pig manure that the farmer himself can make on his farm. This resulting compost can be used to fertilize many more crops with organic products such as fruit trees, what facilitates the management of livestock manure from farms located in fruit production areas.
LIFE AGRICLOSE contributes to the awareness and use of this product as an organic fertilizer. Take a look to the video we made for ICAW 2021.
Once again AGRICLOSE is working to improve the environment and harnessing resources !!!!!

AGRICLOSE collaborates with International Compost Awareness Week
This week is International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW), a yearly initiative held in a number of countries in the first week of May, in which Waste Agency of Catalonia and the Catalan Water Agency are taking part. During the week, institutions wanting to get involved organise a number of awareness-raising and informative actions in relation to compost.
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PRO-FEM 2019 Technical Conference
This conference in Malla marks the first of the professional fertilisation and livestock waste management conferences (PRO-FEM).
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Project presentation press conference
Teresa Jordà: ‘We need to progress together towards excellent fertilisation and sustainable models of circular bioeconomy’read more >

Meeting of the LIFE ARIMEDA project at the La Melusa experimental estate (Ebro Hydrographic Confederation)
On 25 October the La Melusa experimental estate (Ebro Hydrographic Confederation) hosted a meeting and exchange of experiences between the LIFE ARIMEDA (@lifearimeda) and LIFE AGRICLOSE projects. The focus of action for both projects is developing and demonstrating new sustainable management techniques for manure.